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The 5 steps of the NVC Nonviolent Communication

NVC, or Nonviolent Communication, is a communication process developed by Marshall Rosenberg.

It emphasizes empathetic listening and honest expression of feelings and needs, promoting understanding and connection.

Through its four components of observations, feelings, needs, and requests, NVC fosters compassionate dialogue and conflict resolution in various contexts, aiming to transform communication patterns for mutual understanding and collaboration.

What are the 5 steps?

  1. ✔️Describe the situation objectively without blaming the other: Example: “I had planned to do the grocery shopping for next week, and the car was not available…”.

💡Try to avoid negative word such as “But” …

  • ✔️Express your own feelings (without blaming the other): Example: “I felt sad (abandoned, hurt, angry…) because I didn’t feel supported or considered by you.”
  • ✔️Express your deep need: Example: “I need you, your attention, and your support in what I do for us…”
  • ✔️Reformulate your need as a request: Example: “I would like it if next time you tell me your own needs and ask me if I need the car so that we can work something out…” “Are you okay with that?”
  • ✔️Listen to the other person’s response …and in case of disagreement, continue the discussion (starting from step #1) by delving deeper and striving to clarify your thoughts until a solution that satisfies both parties is discovered. (= seek, propose, discover, build an accepted “COMPROMISE” by both… offer solutions to the other person, ask them to propose…)

Through practicing NVC, individuals can cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and authentic connections with others in all situations.

🎯 So, go ahead and give it a try!

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