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From the divided society to the unified society: Insights from Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy

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While dining with my friend last night, I was asked which political side I align with. I explained that none of them fully reflect my philosophy, yet I find admirable aspects in each. In politics, I perceive unity in the multiplicity.

Politics is divided and segmented, as are we. Everywhere we look, we encounter barriers and boundaries that separate us from one another—whether it’s social class distinctions, political polarization, cultural differences, or economic disparities. These divisions create a sense of separation and isolation. But what if there were a way to transcend these divisions and cultivate a deeper sense of unity?

Drawing inspiration from the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, we can explore profound insights into the nature of consciousness and the potential for transcending division. Sri Aurobindo, a visionary philosopher and spiritual teacher, proposed the concept of the supermind—a state of consciousness that transcends the limitations of the human mind and embodies unity, harmony, and integration. In contrast to the fragmented nature of the ordinary human mind, the supermind recognizes the unit in all beings and phenomena, embracing diversity within a higher, more encompassing whole.

One of the key insights of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy is the recognition that the human mind tends to divide, sort, and categorize reality into separate compartments. This division leads to a sense of separation and alienation, as individuals identify with specific groups, ideologies, and identities, often at the expense of others. For example, social classifications based on factors such as wealth, ethnicity, and nationality create barriers and inequalities that perpetuate social division and injustice.

Similarly, political divisions and ideological differences create polarization and conflict within society, as individuals align themselves with opposing viewpoints and interests. Likewise, cultural and religious differences can lead to intolerance and discrimination, as individuals cling to rigid beliefs and identities that exclude others who do not conform to their norms.

Economic disparities further exacerbate social division, as inequalities in wealth and opportunity create barriers to social mobility and perpetuate cycles of poverty and privilege. Gender and identity norms also contribute to division and discrimination, as individuals are marginalized based on their perceived deviation from societal norms and expectations.

To embody the qualities of the supermind in our daily lives consider exploring traditional therapy techniques and spiritual practices such as mindfulness, meditation, dreamwork, and expressive arts therapy. You can access deeper layers of yourpsyche and align with their your selves as well as develop your conscienceness.

Sri Aurobindo’s teachings remind us that we’re all connected, and by uniting, we can create a better world for everyone.

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